Current Projects

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Coastal Resilience Center

-Chair, Flood Apex Research Review Board supporting DHS S&T

-Coauthor and organizer of Rethinking Flood Analytics, a colloquium held by the DHS S&T CRC COE in 2017 and supported by Flood Apex


Transportation Research Board

– Chair of the 5th Biennial Marine Transportation Systems R&D Conference

water institute of the gulf

-Providing technical expertise in review of the Hurricane Storm Damage Risk Reduction System in New Orleans on behalf of the Water Institute of the Gulf. Click Here for the report.

NAS-Participated as National Flood Insurance Program specialist in National Academy of Science study on Community-based Flood Insurance.  Click Here for the report.

changing course

-Technical subject matter expert for Changing Course, a competition to design a more sustainable lower Mississippi River Delta.  Click Here for a link to their website.


-Supporting US Army Engineer Research and Development Center in review of R&D and strategic planning.


-Senior Research Engineer at the UMD Center for Disaster Resilience where she  conducts studies on behalf of UMD.