2011 – Present
- Baecher, G., Bensi, M., Reilly,A. Phillips, B. Link, E., Knight, S., Galloway, G. 2019. Resiliently Engineered Flood and Hurricane Infrastructure: Principles to Guide the Next Generation of Engineers, The Bridge, National Academy of Engineering.
- Knight, S., Link, L., Rohner, J., & Miller, L. (2015, June 30). Building Blocks for a National Resilience Assessment.
- Mitigation Federal Interagency Operational Plan, July 2014. (Led team and co-authored report on behalf of FEMA)
- Gilbert, R., Wells, T., Espey, W., Knight, S., Kirby, J., Willson, C. “Expert Review Panel on Greater New Orleans Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System Design Guidelines,” May 21, 2014, funded by Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana, Published by The Water Institute of the Gulf.
- “Dam and Levee Safety and Community Resilience,” 2012, Committee on Integrating Dam and Levee Safety and Community Resilience, National Research Council of the National Academies. (provided direction to statement of task for study and as Deputy Associate Administrator for Mitigation, commissioned the study with the NAS.)
- “Urban Meteorology: Forecasting, Monitoring, and Meeting Users’ Needs,” 2012, Committee on Urban Meteorology, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Academies. (participated in the BASC Summer Workshop as speaker and subject matter expert on behalf of FEMA.)
- Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force Work Plan, 2011. (As principal representing FEMA was instrumental in developing, with working group and task force, a national work plan for the 13 agency task force.)
- “FEMA Mitigation and Insurance Strategic Plan, 2012-2014,” FEMA P-857/September 2011. (Led the development of this plan on behalf of the Administrator FEMA.)
- “Understanding Floods: Questions and Answers,” Queensland Government, June 2011. (Served on the International Review Group in posing questions to working group and reviewing document.)
- “Strategic Action Plan for Research and Development in the Marine Transportation System, Committee on the Marine Transportation System.” January 2011. (Co-lead the CMTS R&D Integrated Action Team that developed report.)
2004 -2010
- “NOAA’s Next-Generation Strategic Plan“, December 2010. (Served on Planning Steering Committee on behalf of NOAA OAR.)
- “When Weather Matters: Science and Services to Meet Critical Societal Needs,” 2010. Committee on Progress and Priorities of US Weather Research and Research-to-Operations, Board of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Academies. (Participated in the BASC Summer workshop as a subject matter expert on behalf of NOAA.)
- Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Directive (January 2009), “Graduate Studies Program.” (led team development)
- NOAA Buoy and Related Systems Strategic Recapitalization Plan: Phase I (November 2008). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (Co-led study and principal author to report.)
- Sohngen, B., Koop, J., Knight, S., Rythonen, J, Beckwith, P., Ferrari, N., Iribarren, J, Keevin, T, Wolter, C, Maynord, S. (2008) “Considerations to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Vessels,” Report No. 99, Inland Navigation Commission, Navigation, Ports, Waterways (PIANC).
- Spinrad, Richard and Knight, Sandra (April 2008). “Risk-Informed Investments in Oceanic and Atmospheric Research”, The 2008 Lloyd’s Register Education Trust Lecture, The Royal Academy of Engineering, London, England.
- Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Directive (July 2007), “Laboratory Review Policy.” (led team development)
- USACE Asset Management Plan: Three-year Timeline Plan (December 2006). (Principal author and team lead.) Prepared by USACE Headquarters, Washington, DC. Accepted by Office of Management and Budget for Federal Real Property Report Card.
- Knight, S.K. and Parchure, T.M. (Sept 2004). “Hydraulic Effects of Recreational Boat Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System,” ENV Report 43, Upper Mississippi River – Illinois Waterway System Navigation Study, prepared for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, St. Louis, St. Paul.
1989 -1999
- Knight, S.K. (Sept 1999). “Wave Height Predictive Techniques for Commercial Tows on the UMRS,” ENV 15, Interim Report for the Upper Mississippi River – Illinois Waterway System Navigation study, prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, St. Louis, St. Paul.
- Knight, Sandra K. (1999). “Integration of Hydraulic and Environmental Effects for Assessment of System-Wide Impacts of Navigation Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway,” proceedings of the Transportation Research Board , 78th Annual Meeting, January 1-14, 1999,Washington, D.C.
- Maynord, S.T. and Knight, S.K. (1998). “Physical Forces Study, Clarks Ferry, Mississippi River,” ENV 5, Interim Report for the Upper Mississippi River – Illinois Waterway System Navigation study, prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, St. Louis, St. Paul.
- Stewart, R. M., McFarland, D.G., Ward, D.L., Martin, S.K., and Barko, J.W. (Sep 1997) “Flume Study Investigation of the Direct Impacts of Navigation-Generated Waves on Submersed Aquatic Macrophytes in the Upper Mississippi River,” Env 1, Interim report for the Upper Mississippi river-Illinois Waterway system Navigation Study, for St. Louis, Rock Island, and St. Paul Districts, Vicksburg.
- Maynord, S.T. and Martin, S.K. (1997). “Physical Forces Study, Kampsville, Illinois Waterway,” ENV 3, Interim Report for the Upper Mississippi River – Illinois Waterway System navigation study, ENV Report 3, prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, St. Louis, St. Paul.
- Martin, Sandra K. (1997). “Physical Model Studies for Riprap Design of Tow-induced Forces,” WES Technical Report CHL-97-7, Dissertation submitted to University of Memphis to fulfill the requirements for Doctor of Philosophy.
- Maynord, S.T. and Martin, S.K. (1996). “Upper Mississippi River System Navigation/Sedimentation Study: Report 1: Bank Erosion Literature Study,” WES Technical Report HL-96-10, USAE Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
- Stockstill, R.L., Martin, S.K., and Berger, R.C. (Oct. 1995). “Hydrodynamic Model of Vessel-Generated Currents,” Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, edited by Lubinski, K., Wiener, J., and Bhowmik, N. Vol. 11, No2, John Wiley, England.
- Martin, Sandra K. (1995). “Riprap Design for Tow-Induced Waves,” Chapter 12, River, Coastal and Shoreline Protection: Erosion Control Using Riprap and Armourstone, edited by Thorne, Abt, Barends, Maynord, and Pilarczyk, John Wiley, England.
- Martin, Sandra K., Knight, Sheila C. and Murphy, Thomas E. July 1994. “Model Study of the Demonstration Erosion Control 10-ft Riprap Drop Grade Control Structure,” Volume VI: Appendix E, Demonstration Erosion Control Project Monitoring Program, WES Technical Report HL-94-1, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
- Martin, Sandra K. and Maynord, Stephen T. (1994) “Quantification of Navigation-Induced Forces and Their Impact on the Environment,” Proceedings of the 28th International Navigation Congress, PIANC, Seville, Spain (Congress held May 1994).
- Martin, Sandra K., 1993 (Mar). “Demonstration Erosion Control Project Monitoring Program, Fiscal Year 1992 Report, Volume I: Main Text,” (Multiple authors) Chapter 11 entitled “Physical Model Testing,” pp.93-105, Technical Report HL-93-3, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, Ms.
- Martin, Sandra K. and Lipinski, Martin E. 1992. “Economic Assessment of Accidents at Inland Navigation Locks in the United States,” Bulletin No. 77, Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses.
- Wilhelms, Steve and Martin, Sandra K. 1992. “Gas Transfer in Bubble Plumes”, Proceedings for Water Forum ’92, Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers, BaltimoreMD.
- Martin, Sandra K. and Lipinski, Martin E. 1990 (Sep). “Lock Accident Study,” Technical Report REMR-HY-7, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
- Martin, Sandra K. and Howington, Stacy E. 1990 (Aug). “Wynoochee Dam Water Temperature Control Study,” Miscellaneous Paper HL-90-7, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
- Martin, S.K. and Holmes, R. 1989 (June). “Retrofit of a Towboat Arrester System on a Navigation Lock,” Design of Hydraulic Structures 89, Sponsored by Colorado State University and the American Society of Civil Engineers, Edited By Albertson, M. and Kia, R., Published by A.A. Balkeman, Rotterdam, Second International Symposium on the Design of Hydraulic Structures, Fort Collins, CO.
- Martin, Sandra K. 1989 (Aug). “Clover Fork Tunnel Diversion Project, Harlan, Kentucky,” Technical Report HL-89-18, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
- Martin, Sandra K. 1989 (Mar). “Effects of Geometry on the Kinetic Energy of a Towboat and Barges in a Navigation Lock,” Technical Report REMR-HY-4, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Note: Name change from Sandra Martin to Sandra Knight in 1998.
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